Thursday, June 28, 2018

Intercepted: A First To Read Review

Sometimes, a girl just wants a cheesy romance story where she knows what to expect and it all comes together perfectly. This was perfect for that.
There -were- plenty of of typos in this copy that were annoying. There were lots of corny, profanity-laced one-liners that caused me to roll my eyes. Martin broached some heavy topics, but tread very lightly over them. I felt that story-line quite predictable.

It was funny and sexy, though a little bit oddly paced. The Chris thing stretches out a bit longer than I'd like at the beginning, I really couldn't wrap my head around why Marlee was with him when he treated her so bad. Then that blows up and Gavin comes along. I expected more of a chase or the 'wait I'm not ready for a relationship', even though a bit of time passes it does seem a bit soon after getting out of a long term relationship. Continuing on with the pacing thing, it didn't flow as well as I would have liked. weeks/months go by in a sentence and I'm like, wait, slow down. I think we missed some of the fun falling in love stuff, which sucked. There were a lot of conflicts, possibly too many. The mean girls got a bit old. I think Madison could have been enough, though the whole Courtney thing was funny at the beginning, but the sister too and the southern girl that is nice in the beginning... It was just a lot. I don't know.

The hashtags got old super fast. I thought it was funny at first but then just became grating. Especially at really dramatic points - 'he made this huge decision without telling me' #personalfoul. like wtf? i tried to ignore them but they just stood out. They might have been less annoying if there weren't so many, or weren't used when they shouldn't have been.

Now all this complaining and it sounds like I hated it - not at all! I really debated on giving it 5 stars but the things I mentioned above are what knocked it to a 4 star for me. But it had a lot going for it. It was a fast read, and when I couldn't sleep - I was able to finish it very quickly.Though I note all of these issues and problems, I found this a compelling story. I'm not the biggest fan of football stories. Like I said, I read it in one sitting and I rarely do that if I hate the book. the epilogue was gah, so adorable. LOVE. I definitely recommend this one and will 100% read more from this author.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ out of 10 hearts. A "B - " grade. This book is good, and I liked it okay. There are several noticeable flaws. Not perfect, but overall enjoyable.