Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Touch: First-to-Read Review

  Disclaimer: I won a free copy of this book from This review is also posted on 

    Touch is an essay in the guise of a novel, and the big ideas had already been laid out in the first 50 pages, and it became clear what would happen and who would do what. In that sense, it was not suspenseful. But I kept reading because it was well done, a story well told, in the end. So it's a bit simplistic. But like I said, there are enough interesting characters that Maum actually had the makings of a truly insightful novel, but I feel like she never quite took advantage of them.  The weird part is the time it takes place in— at points I thought the story took place in the present, and at others a sort of alternate present (self driving cars with uncanny AI seems possible but we’re not quite there yet).

    The theme is fantastic in exploring technology and its pitfalls. This book was extremely thought provoking. With so much technology in the world, there were some interesting parallels. As a society, we are becoming poor communicators and there needs to be more of an effort to get back to our roots. I liked the concept of this novel.   I had a hard time with the story itself.

♥♥♥♥♥♥- Satisfying for a first read, but I'm not going back
B+ = This book is good, and I enjoyed reading it. However, there are some flaws.

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